July 29, 2010

No More Free Plastic Bags in California

No More Plastic Bag Pollution

Target: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the California State Senate
Sponsored by: Care2.com
The Pacific Garbage Patch can be found floating about 1,000 miles off the Californian coast -- this swirling mass of plastic bags and garbage has grown to be twice the size of Texas.

When it comes to the environment, California is a trendsetter. The Pacific Garbage Patch is all of our responsibilities, but we need California to put the country on the right track towards eliminating plastic waste.

Although California prides itself on its environmental initiatives, there's no way The Golden State can deserve its title as the greenest state until it addresses its plastic bag problem. At 19 billion plastic bags a year, California is currently the biggest consumer of single-use plastic bags.

Despite this, California is poised to become the first state to ban plastic bags. The California State Assembly passed a bill (AB 1998) to ban single-use plastic shopping bags on June 2, and the bill will go to the Senate mid August. Urge California legislators to support a ban on single-use grocery bags.

Please sign the PETITION here!