September 25, 2011

Don't Hate Me......

Please consider how much joy you will bring to your home by adopting a less adoptable dog! Visit your local shelter or contact a rescue in your area and ask about animals with little to no interest. Saving a life is the best thing you will ever do!

Or try, just browse and see who is in need of a loving home right now. 

According to the American Humane Association, nearly 10 million animals are euthanized annually in the United States. That's 833,333 every month - 208,333 every week - 27,778 each day - 1,157 every hour!
Or, think of it this way - 19 companion animals are put to sleep every minute of every hour of every day each year!! 

Spay and Neuter your Pets! Don't Shop, Adopt!

September 19, 2011

Sunny Sky's Rescue Bus - saving lives!!

 "Sunny Sky's is an animal rescue organization formed in 2010 by Dr. Illina Berton. Thanks to the help of many volunteers we are now a full fledged non profit organization. Acquiring our 501(c)3 status in 2011. We rely solely on volunteers to continue on our path to saving as many four legged friends as possible. Sunny Sky's Animal Rescue believes every animal deserves to be loved and we are devoted to finding families that deserve our animals love.

Sunny Sky's Animal Rescue in conjunction with East Valley Animal Shelter, Van Nuys, CA and a team of volunteers have acquired a RESCUE BUS to rescue and transport anywhere between 60-80 shelter dogs (and sometimes cats and rabbits) per trip from Los Angeles, CA to Puyallup, WA, where the animals will be treated and offered for adoption, giving the animals another chance of life."

 These rescue operations rely entirely on donations.

Take a closer look at Sunny Sky's on their website:

August 1, 2011

Plastic Bag Ban in Long Beach ... it's great start!

Plastic bags will be a thing of the past in Long Beach beginning today, and suddenly all of those who have been using plastic will need to tote reusable and paper bags.
Under a measure passed by the Long Beach City Council, the city’s larger stores will not be allowed to pack items in plastic bags. Customers will be able to buy paper bags for 10 cents each but will be encouraged to bring in their own reusable bags when shopping.
The smaller stores will phase out the use of plastic bags and will be plastic-free by January, according to the new law.
Environmentalists have long argued that plastic bags, not being organic and biodegradeable, clog drains, clutter up the environment and even endanger fish.
Los Angeles County’s new ban took effect July 8, and the cities of Pasadena and Los Angeles are considering such bans.
Copied from:  Article written by Mirna Alfonso August 01, 2011